Our main production site in China is situated in Jinzhou, Liaoning province. Here we manufacture the bulk of our organic pigments using latest technologies, to ensure consistent quality and efficiency. We produce high performance pigments through partner agreements in China and manufacture a number of complimentary products in South Africa, to give our product range a broad portfolio.
We take every effort to ensure that the quality and consistency of our products remain on standard. We monitor incoming raw materials, apply strict controls in our manufacturing processes and follow rigid systems in quality control to enable us to supply products to a level expected by our customers.
Customer Service
We aim to ensure that our service levels meet and exceed customer expectations. Our target is to always deliver in quality, on time and in full. High levels of service are critical to continue to build on our strong customer relationships.
Our manufacturing locations have invested heavily in the required treatment facilities to ensure that we are compliant with all local regulations and our target is to exceed these with the knowledge that regulations continue to tighten. All our products are supplied with certificates of analysis and we take every measure to ensure that these fit into the specific regulatory requirements.